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Cross-Strait Communication and Cooperation on Air Quality Protection

Taiwan and China are both facing air pollution problems relating to particulate matters and photochemical pollutants. To improve the air quality, drawing up controlling strategies needs to be on the basis of the study on the pollution sources. To make the effictiveness of the cross-Sraits communication and cooperation last, the major task of this project is to provide a platform for the experts to discuss and communicate with each other. Therefore, one conference in the field of air quality improvement will be held and some visiting activities will be donducted to promote the cross-Sraits communication and cooperation. In addition, the information about the strategies used in China to control air pollution, the influence of air pollution from China on the air quality in Taiwan and the environmental protection services would be collected and reviewed. The ultimate objective of this project is to improve the air quality in both Taiwan and China.
Air Quality Protection, Environmental Protection Services, Cross-Strait Communication and Cooperation